So many kids, I don't know what to do.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Live Laugh Love

I read in an article the other day that people should strive to be more like pre-schoolers in the area of laughter.  They claim pre-schoolers laugh out loud over thirty times a day and adults only around eight.  I am suspicious of this data.
1.  I do not think the 10 times a day my three year says "poop" for no reason and then rolls on the floor laughing hysterically should count towards his total.

2.  They must not have counting the laughter of adults with children, because how can you not laugh at the things they do.
* Shaye constantly digs my nice undies out of the clean laundry and drapes them around her neck.  You can tell she thinks she is hot by the way she struts around the house.
*  Saige thinks the sole purpose of the TxDOT sign on the freeway by our house is to alert the city of missing elderly.  She calls it "the elderly sign". (Why DO the elderly around here have such a problem staying put?  Where are they headed.  Is there some BINGO game around here I am unaware of?)
*Tayte told me he was going to grow a moustache like Dad, Grampa, and Papa.  His reasoning - "To keep the snot in."

3. I laugh out loud more than eight times a day and I can't be the only one with a low entertainment threshold.  Here is something else that made me laugh this week.  I got an award from Hydrant Girl.  (Thanks, Girl!)

I think she has been stalking me.  How else would she know that I always clash with my bike, I have six pack abs and I am constantly showing off the crust from my nose ring?  (She swears those lines are abs and not sagging boobs!  I believe her because I don't have six least I didn't last time I checked.) (Ok..she also says I am holding a #1 finger, not displaying crust.)

**What has gotten you laughing lately?  Share it with us so we can be more like pre-schoolers today!


  1. I don't have a toddler to laugh with anymore and teenagers are not that funny. :)

  2. Pie trying to say muffin, which comes out sort of like fuffin. She's working so hard at it that I hate to laugh, but damn it's funny!

  3. Ha...I laugh all day at the idiots I deal with.

  4. The kid makes me laugh a lot. Being around grown ups is less laugh out loud funny and more hysterical in my head laughing. Sometimes it's just not appropriate to laugh and the stuff that amuses me out in public!

  5. I'll have you know I put a lot of effort into picking those colors- the bathing suit was from a recent post where you were wearing that same color of shirt. And the bike? I went waaaaay back when you posted a picture of it hanging in your garage. ;-)

  6. I had to look at that three times before I figured out those were supposed to be abs and not teats. I know we both have a litter of kids, but sheesh.

  7. I get in my 30 laughs per day by reading blogs!

  8. This blog post had me laughing from point #1! Good ones! Your description of the picture was great...I will forever think of bikers as mutant boob ladies've ruined it for me!

  9. Man, I need to improve on my MS Paint Drawing skills (or have a few kids to appreciate how saggy a boob can really be?) I never even thought your abs would be mistaken for boobies! lol

  10. I'm pretty sure I laugh out loud at least 40 times a day! Minimum!

  11. I once rad that preschoolers spin in circles to make themselves dizzy because it feels the sameas smoking a joint.


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