So many kids, I don't know what to do.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Snapshot - Race Recap

Hi.  I am alive after the half marathon.  Just barely.

Here is the tired person version of the recap.

That is me with Sweet Aunt.  She rocked the half marathon.

Wake up time - 4:10 am
Reaction to wake up time - The Coach is nuts.
Kids in attendance - Saigie
People wearing purple - More than 253....Saigie counted until she got tired.
Pre-race Porta-Potty visits - 4.
Friends running - Shawna, my school BFF, Sweet Aunt and friend, various colleagues.
Weather - 60 degrees.  Raining.  Misty - medium rain. 98% humidity.
Outfit - New impulse purchase capris and tee.
Racers dressed as - Santa, Elvis, Ghostbuster, Gorilla, Divas.
Time - 2:31.08
Personal Assessment - Good through ten miles.  Sucked like a Hoover the last three.
Spectators - Really cool to brave rain to yell for strangers. 
Medal - Super cool.  Maybe a picture when The Coach brings my camera home.
Finisher shirt - Quite stylish, girl cut, Under Amour
Post race activity - Power nap and then steak dinner with The Coach
Body - Hurting
Thank you - The Coach for hauling us out there and standing in the rain to cheer.  You are the best.
Thoughts - I love triathlons.  I do not love half marathons.  I can say this now that I tried it.  I do not like feeling like am beat to hell all the time. I am not sure at this point if I will take this challenge on again, but who knows.  There were definitely some pros to it along with the cons.


  1. Yeah for you! I have been waiting to see how it was. So excited for you with your half under your belt.

  2. Awww congrats! Half marathons are hard! You did great! And I promise, if you choose to do another, it'll feel SO much better (easier) than this one. Just another of the many miracles of the human body.

  3. Way to go! I doubt many people are ready to go again as soon as the first one is over. I'm interested to see if you decide to go again.

  4. Congrats!! I just may have to make you an award for that!! (I was really hoping you'd ask for one, because I had a cool one in mind... hint hint)

  5. Good job, now reward yourself with junk food.

  6. Congrats to you for doing this!

    It makes me tired and want a cookie to even think about it.

  7. Yeah! congratulations on finishing. and not puking. That's the impressive part to me.

  8. This is so huge that you did that! I'm mighty impressed!

  9. I couldn't WALK 13 miles. So congrats.


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